Syria Matters Initiatives

Procedural Steps-Phase One-Haram Land Initiative

Procedural Steps: -Bab Al-Hawa Crossing- The No Man’s/ HARAM Land initiative launched by Global Justice Organization and the Arab Democratic Alliance includes a series of measures that are integrated with each other, to create a safe climate in the northwest of Syria; the main purpose of which is to improve the living conditions of Syrian

Procedural Steps-Phase One-Haram Land Initiative Read More »

An initiative for a Secure Prosperous Region

Press Releases An initiative for a Secure Prosperous Region Appeal from Global Justice and the Arab Democratic Alliance to all the military forces in north-western Syria. During these holy days of this sacred month, we recall the memory of the “farewell sermon” in which Prophet Mohammed, peace be upon him, established principles unprecedented in history

An initiative for a Secure Prosperous Region Read More »

Orient: Dr. Osama kadi – A Syrian initiative that calls for stopping the fighting and investing in northern Syria. Can it be achieved?

The American-Syrian Global Justice Organization launched a joint initiative with the Arab Democratic Alliance aimed at preventing internal fighting in the northwest of Syria and establishing civil peace based on the sanctity of these days and the sanctity of fighting in them, according to their description. Starting from the American exclusion of five regions in

Orient: Dr. Osama kadi – A Syrian initiative that calls for stopping the fighting and investing in northern Syria. Can it be achieved? Read More »

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