What the media said

Syria TV: After it was presented to Al-Rifai, Al-Maslat, and the Turkish government… What is the fate of the “No Man’s Land” initiative?

The “No Man’s Land” initiative, which was recently launched by the “Global Justice” organization and the “Arab Democratic Alliance”, has raised many questions about its content and effectiveness in light of the bitter conditions in the northern Syrian regions under the control of the “National Army” factions. The Syrians’ interest in the content of the […]

Syria TV: After it was presented to Al-Rifai, Al-Maslat, and the Turkish government… What is the fate of the “No Man’s Land” initiative? Read More »

Pulse: Syria’s no-man’s land… An initiative to establish security in five liberated areas

The American “Global Justice” organization and the Arab Democratic Alliance launched an initiative to stop the security chaos and military fighting in the areas of rural Aleppo, northern Syria, under the title “No Man’s Land”, in an effort to establish security in these areas and develop them at the economic level. In a statement reached

Pulse: Syria’s no-man’s land… An initiative to establish security in five liberated areas Read More »

Our Syria: The American Global Justice and the Arab Democratic Alliance launch the No Man’s Land Initiative

The Syrian-American Global Justice Organization launched a joint initiative with the Arab Democratic Alliance aimed at preventing internal fighting in the northwest of Syria, and establishing civil peace, starting from these days, given the American exception to five areas exempted from economic sanctions, which provides an opportunity to invest in them and improve conditions the

Our Syria: The American Global Justice and the Arab Democratic Alliance launch the No Man’s Land Initiative Read More »

Orient: Dr. Osama kadi – A Syrian initiative that calls for stopping the fighting and investing in northern Syria. Can it be achieved?

The American-Syrian Global Justice Organization launched a joint initiative with the Arab Democratic Alliance aimed at preventing internal fighting in the northwest of Syria and establishing civil peace based on the sanctity of these days and the sanctity of fighting in them, according to their description. Starting from the American exclusion of five regions in

Orient: Dr. Osama kadi – A Syrian initiative that calls for stopping the fighting and investing in northern Syria. Can it be achieved? Read More »

Syria TV:: Contributed to the promotion of Syrian literature.. Turkish writer receives the Nizar Qabbani Medal

The Global Justice Organization (US-Syrian) granted, on Monday, Honorary “Nizar Qabbani Medal” Award, For the first time for a Turkish writer. The organization considered that the Turkish writer “Bern Bercigli Mot” deservedly deserved the award for her contribution to the promotion of Syrian culture and literature. And its just view of the cause of the

Syria TV:: Contributed to the promotion of Syrian literature.. Turkish writer receives the Nizar Qabbani Medal Read More »

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